Transfer Pricing Specialist ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Transfer Pricing Documentation

ChatGPT can be used to aid in the preparation and review of transfer pricing documentation. It can suggest language, provide summaries, and generate analyses.


Summarize the main points of this transfer pricing documentation for

{{entity name}}

Write an analysis of the transfer pricing method used for

{{entity name}}

Suggest language for describing the transfer pricing policy of

{{entity name}}


Transfer Pricing Analysis and Planning

ChatGPT can aid in the analysis and planning of transfer pricing transactions, providing insights, suggestions and generating potential plans.


What could be the potential transfer pricing implications if

{{entity A}}

sells goods to

{{entity B}}

at these prices?
Suggest a potential transfer pricing plan for

{{entity name}}

's supply chain.
Provide an analysis of the most suitable transfer pricing method for

{{entity name}}

's distribution activities.

Intercompany Agreements

ChatGPT can assist in the preparation, review, and understanding of intercompany agreements as related to transfer pricing.


Draft a summary of this intercompany agreement between

{{entity A}}


{{entity B}}

for transfer pricing purposes.
What might be the potential transfer pricing implications of this intercompany agreement between

{{entity A}}


{{entity B}}

Help me understand the transfer pricing aspects in this intercompany agreement between

{{entity A}}


{{entity B}}


Transfer Pricing Audits

ChatGPT can assist in preparing for transfer pricing audits by generating overviews, developing responses and analysing potential risks.


Outline an overview of items likely required for a transfer pricing audit for

{{entity name}}

Draft a response to a transfer pricing audit query regarding the transfer pricing documentation of

{{entity name}}

Analyse the potential transfer pricing risks identified in the audit for

{{entity name}}


Country-by-Country Reporting

ChatGPT can provide outlines, summaries, and insights on Country-by-Country Reports (CbCR).


Outline the steps needed to complete a Country-by-Country Report for

{{entity name}}

Summarize the Country-by-Country Report for

{{entity name}}

Provide analysis of potential transfer pricing risks identified in the Country-by-Country Report for

{{entity name}}


Transfer Pricing Regulations and Guidelines

ChatGPT can provide summaries, understanding and comparison of transfer pricing regulations and guidelines.


Summarize the main points of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
Compare transfer pricing regulations in

{{Country A}}


{{Country B}}

Help me understand the recent changes in transfer pricing regulations in

{{country name}}

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