Software Version Control Specialist ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Commit Message Generation

ChatGPT can help generate accurate and clear commit messages. These messages can describe code changes for review and future reference.


ChatGPT, please write a commit message for a change that involves bug fixing in the

{{feature name}}

ChatGPT, please write a commit message for me about addition of a new

{{feature name}}

ChatGPT, generate a commit message after refactoring the

{{module name}}


Best Practices Guidelines

ChatGPT can advise on best practices around software version control.


ChatGPT, what are the best practices for commenting in the

{{programming language}}

ChatGPT, suggest best practices for version control in a large team.
ChatGPT, provide me with some git command line best practices for a beginner.

Code Review Narration

ChatGPT can narrate and simplify code reviews, making them easier to understand for all team members.


ChatGPT, please provide an overview of this code review for the

{{component name}}

, focusing on the major changes.
ChatGPT, produce a simple narration of the code review focusing on the new implementations in the

{{software section}}

ChatGPT, can you explain the code review concerning optimisations in the

{{algorithm name}}


Code explanation

ChatGPT can assist in explaining code, its functions, and its structure.


ChatGPT, can you explain how this piece of code works in

{{programming language}}

ChatGPT, please explain the functionality of the code in the

{{feature name}}

ChatGPT, define the purpose of the

{{class/function name}}

in this code.

Solving Git issues

ChatGPT can guide on common issues faced during version control like merge conflicts, stashing, etc.


ChatGPT, How should I resolve a merge conflict in git?
ChatGPT, I have changes that I don't want to commit yet. How can I use git stash for this?
ChatGPT, How do I switch to a different branch in git without committing changes?

Collaboration Tips

ChatGPT can provide suggestions and strategies for effective collaboration among team members.


ChatGPT, what are some strategies for effective collaboration in software development?
ChatGPT, how can I ensure transparency when multiple team members are committing on same project?
ChatGPT, how can we use git effectively for team collaboration?
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