Quality Engineer ChatGPT Cheat Sheet


Quality Analysis

ChatGPT can provide insights on improving procedures, product specifications, and standards.


How can I improve the


List the standard procedures for


What are the quality characteristics for a good



Regulation Compliance

ChatGPT can help understand various industry regulations and standards.


Provide an overview of ISO 9001 standards.
How to comply with FDA regulations for


Explain the CE marking process for



Process Improvement

ChatGPT can brainstorm solutions for process improvement and streamlining operations.


Identify potential bottlenecks in

{{process name}}

Propose improvement strategies for the

{{process name}}

Explain Lean Six Sigma principles.

Risk Management

ChatGPT can assist in identifying potential project risks and ways to mitigate them.


Identify potential risks associated with

{{project name}}

Suggest risk mitigation strategies for

{{identified risk}}

What are best practices in risk management?

Quality Assurance

ChatGPT can assist in formulation of quality assurance plans and assessments.


Write a quality assurance plan for


How to implement a quality management system?
Please list quality inspection techniques for



Document Preparation/Review

ChatGPT can assist in preparation and review of operational reports and other documents.


Draft a quality audit report for

{{product or process}}

Review and suggest improvements for this

{{Document name}}

Create a process manual for

{{process name}}

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